"You do realize you're staring, don't you?"

Lefra Ymir

Viper | Astrologian | Certified Badass | Crystal Data Center, Zalera

Age: 27
Birthplace: East Shroud, Nine Ivies.
Family: Ralni (Mother) Vedgif (Father) Thuv and Thar (Twin Brothers) Kantharis (Younger Sister) Theodric (Nephew) Xeroun Rengar (Brother-in-Law)
Occupation: Bartender over at Femme Fatale and Cat Nipps.
Orientation: Polyamorous
Marital Status: Dating a couple of people.
Some say she came out of the womb with both middle fingers in the air. Lefra Ymir was born to a Veena mother and a Rava father. The eldest of the Ymir siblings, she had a happy childhood; running in the forest, finding bugs, building a fort, getting dirty. Once she reaches womanhood, tradition dictates that she leave her isolated tribe and venture into the world. She was born into a family of Paladins, but this would not be the path she would take. Instead, Lefra finds herself picking up a Gunblade and later twin swords. She enjoys hanging out at Fight Clubs where she finds friends from all walks of life. She found her place without even trying—a bun with wild ears who enjoys drinking, sparring, handsome men, and protecting the innocent. Don’t underestimate her, she will throw hands if you piss her off.

  • Eaulmont Richelieu

  • Her Lover. She met this handsome Elezen at his fight club out in Empyreum, The Femme Fatale. At first, she was not so sure about this mysterious man, but a chance encounter at the Harlot’s drunken tub night set into motion events that neither saw coming. He’s one of her most trusted confidants. She feels very safe with him and would move mountains to make sure he’s safe and happy.

  • Aife Mjochna

  • The woman who threw her head first into the fight club scene. At first it was just a hobby and she was just dipping her toes in the pool. Aife however, threw her in head first. A semi-bad influence, Lefra is very thankful for having this very blunt friend to push her out of her comfort zone.

  • Fang

  • The first person to actually catch her eye the moment she first steps into Femme Fatale. Huge flirt and great kisser. refuses to believe he's handsome even if Lefra threatens to shout it to the whole bar. She considers him a great friend with a big heart.

  • Rize Adachi

  • Bartender at the Drunken Harlot. Always there to tell Lefra she looks good and teases her about a date all the time. Always there to give her a laugh when she needs it. Great conversationalist.

  • Bun Fu

  • Who knew getting your ass kicked in a sparring ring would lead to a friendship? Well that happened when this vibrant Viera beat Lefra one night. She is always on the sidelines cheering her on when she's fighting in the ring.

  • Rathor Ironlight

  • Her other lover and co-worker over at Cat Nipps. Completely hit it off upon first meeting at the fight club Harlequin. Another special man in her life that she would make sure is safe and happy.

I’m a 40+ player and only RP with those 21+. I keep IC/OOC separate and am not interested in romance due to being married. My character, Lefra, is a free spirit and not open to possessiveness—any attempts will result in being blacklisted.Communication is important. Notify me only if your plans impact my character’s development.I do NOT RP rape, child abuse, bestiality, violence against women, or anything gross. If I’m uncomfortable, RP will end.Be kind and respectful. If you’re unpleasant, I won’t engage. RP should be fun for everyone.